KATS - Kaiapoi Alignment & Tyres Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 19:16 Auto Services Behind The Shell Car Wash, 80 Williams Street Kaiapoi 7630 24 views Reference: 96700Click to get direction: Behind The Shell Car Wash, 80 Williams Street Kaiapoi 7630
Contact Info(s):
O: 033277789
F: 0800808052
About KATS - Kaiapoi Alignment & Tyres
Check out KATS - Kaiapoi Alignment & Tyres in Christchurch. We have served customers across Canterbury Region for more than 5 years. We are your local Wheel Alignment specialists. Get in touch today!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/KATS-168439006569811/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/KatsTyres
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Seller Information
KATS - Kaiapoi Alignment & Tyres
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About Seller
Come in for a free shock test! Come in for a free coffee!
Come in for some friendly service & advice!
Kaiapoi Alignment & Tyres known as KATS has been in operation since 1991. The business has grown over the years to become a household name. Its reputation is for competitive, reliable service and is fast becoming one of the most recognised Tyre Stores in Canterbury. Customer's come from all over Canterbury to obtain the value and service provided by the team at KATS.
Looking for mag Wheels or Alloy Wheels?? How about car accessories?? Batteries? or tyres...
Give us a call NOW and lets see what we can do for you!