Just Rust Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:04 Auto Services 2/78 Main Road Tawa Wellington 5028 23 views Reference: 232586Location: 2/78 Main Road Tawa Wellington 5028
Tagline: Also known as: Just Rust Limited
Click to get direction: 2/78 Main Road Tawa Wellington 5028
Contact Info(s):
O: 042326623
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
TradesPanel Beaters
PartsBumpers, Chassis, Doors
ServicesWelding, Inspections, Refinishing, Finishing, Restoration, Resurfacing, Repairs, Windscreen Replacement, Installation, Glazing, Glass Replacement, Repairs, Replacement, Painting, Windscreen Replacement, Removal, Touch-ups, Insurance Work, Colour Matching, spray painting, Alignments, Panel Beating, Restoration, Panel Repairs, Buffing, Body Work, Repairs
VehiclesCars, Trucks, Cars
ConcernsChips, Cracks, Corrosion, Fading, Collisions, Accident damage, Dents, Rust
Service OptionsMobile Service
Markets ServedCommercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential
ProductsRear Windows, Safety Glass, Side Windows
Year est.
About Just Rust
Just Rust have over15 yrs experience in your Rust Repairs & Panel & Paint. All our Rust Repairs are done with Steel & we take photos of all our Repair work to show our clients. We also do Window & Windscreen Replacements, Panel Beating, & Spray Painting.
Our commitment to excellence, teamed with vast industry experience is what sets us apart. We are passionate about what we do and strive to deliver quality, professional service.
We are MTA Assured & handle all Insurance work. No job is too big or too small for us.
For exceptional service, give us a call us today and get your free quote!
What makes us different
For comprehensive smash repairs in the Wellington, look no further than the team at Just Rust. We offer a number of services from painting and smash repairs and car detailing to cosmetic restoration. For more information, call and speak to the experts today.
windscreensWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.