Judd Opticians Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 03:58 Medical & Emergency Hamilton 33 views Reference: 240496Location: Hamilton
Contact Info(s):
O: 067589079
F: 067589072
Products and Services
ConcernsCataracts, Floaters, Double Vision, Dry Eyes
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Online Help, Online Yellow Pages, Online Information
DiagnosticsEye Exams
ProductsEye Care Aids, Eye Glasses, Frames, Optic Wear
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
Year est.
About Judd Opticians
Welcome to Judd opticians. We are independent, local and Taranaki made. We want to transform your look and express the real you with great style and confidence. Come in for a coffee and chat.
We have been established since 2006 and pride ourselves on our personal approach and quality. We provide an extensive range of products and services and can cater to all of your specialized contact lens requirements.
Come on in and see the friendly team at Judd opticians.
What makes us different
Our products include:
- Sunglasses
- Contact lenses
- Ready made readers
- Accessories
- Frames
- Spectacle lenses
- Magnifiers
Our specialist services include:
- Full eye checks
- Drivers screening test
- Frame repairs
- Frame adjustments
- Contact lens fitting
- Frame style consultations
- Insurance quotes
- WINZ quotes
- 2 year eye check warranty
Website: http://www.juddopticians.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Judd-Opticians-299125203553901/?ref=br_rs
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