Judd & Charles Panelbeaters (1984) Ltd Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:29 Auto Services Suite 1, 163 Target Road Wairau Valley Auckland 0627 30 views Reference: 19089Click to get direction: Suite 1, 163 Target Road Wairau Valley Auckland 0627
Contact Info(s):
O: 094448165
F: 094448168
About Judd & Charles Panelbeaters (1984) Ltd
In the Panel Beaters category, Judd & Charles Panelbeaters (1984) Ltd is located in the Auckland Region and are here to help. Check out Judd & Charles Panelbeaters (1984) Ltd today!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Judd-Charles-Panelbeaters-1984-Ltd-189689101084736/?ref=page_internal
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Seller Information
Judd & Charles Panelbeaters (1984) Ltd
Total Listing
About Seller
When you need reliable panelbeaters be sure to talk to the friendly team of professionals at Judd & Charles Panelbeaters, we've been delivering locals with exceptional service and solutions for over 30 years!
With the only state or the art computerised Car-O-Liner measuring equipment on the North Shore, we are able to establish an estimate of the damage, and avoid costly extras; or in some instances secondary damage that has not been seen.
We cooperate with all major insurance companies and offer services to private customers, providing efficient, professional service at the right price!
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Lifetime Guarantee
MTA Approved
We believe quality workmanship must be combined with courteous and professional service.
John and his staff are committed to giving their clients the best possible quality and customer satisfaction.
Please feel free to browse our website; or contact us today to discuss your panel beating requirements.