John McKenzie Automotive Limited Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:14 Auto Services 10 Bond Street Invercargill 9810 21 views Reference: 204910Location: 10 Bond Street Invercargill 9810
Click to get direction: 10 Bond Street Invercargill 9810
Contact Info(s):
O: 032187941
F: 032187629
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
Vehicle TypeImports
MakesHonda, Subaru, Toyota, Nissan, Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Mazda
Vehicles4WD, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD, Manual, Automatic
PartsAir Filters, Clutches, Shocks & Struts, Gaskets, Manual Transmissions, Fuel Pumps, Gearboxes, Cambelts, Clutches
ServicesTesting, Diagnostics, Rebuilding, Maintenance, Reconditioning, Adjustments, Engine Repairs, Cambelt Replacements
Markets ServedAgricultural, Commercial, Residential, Industrial
AssurancesBonded, WOF, Locally Owned & Operated, Owner On-site, Warrant of Fitness
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About John McKenzie Automotive Limited
John McKenzie Automotive, is a locally owned and operated Automotive business serving the whole of Invercargill region. OUR MISSION STATEMENT at John McKenzie Automotive Ltd, our commitment to you "the Customer" is to provide the best automotive solution in the most honest and professional manner.
We also have a Parts department which stocks and source all mechanical parts. Our Qualified Technicians, specialises in all makes and models of vehicles, including Japanese and European vehicles.
We offer services including:
- MTA Assured Full Vehicle Servicing and repairs
- Seat Belt Specialists
- Cam Belts
- Brakes
- Clutches
- Gearboxes
- Engine repairs or replacement
- Specializing in Manual Transmissions
- Engine Diagnosis
We also provide safety inspection which covers general safety items such as your tyres, lights, glazing, seat belts, suspension, steering and brakes as well as a short road test to ensure your vehicle is performing to a satisfactory standard.
What makes us different
John McKenzie Automotive is your total automotive solution. We offer a wide range of services, and stock and source a comprehensive range of parts. Get in touch with us today for more information.
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