Jacks Tyre & Performance Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:40 Auto Services Servicing: Nelson Region 29 views Reference: 149177Location: Servicing: Nelson Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 035440215
F: 035440251
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
KindsPerformance Tyres, All Season Tyres, Off-road Tyres
VehiclesTractors, GT, Trucks
Vehicle Features4WD
ServicesWheel Alignments, Alignments, Inspections, Precision Alignment
PartsSuspensions, Mag Wheels, Batteries, CV Joints
ProductsMag Wheels
BrandsNankang, Toyo, Michelin, Yokohama, Continental, Kumho, BFGoodrich, Maxxis, Hankook, Pirelli
Service OptionsMobile Service
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Warranties, Independently Owned & Operated
Year est.
About Jacks Tyre & Performance
We are your one stop tyre shop. We can supply any brand of tyre and do everything from wheel alignments, mags and batteries to suspension and lowering. Offering a complete tyre service in New Zealand, we specialise in: * Car and 4WD tyres * Drive through truck tyre bay * Call-out service * Mobile battery service * Layby and financing available, free WINZ quotes * Courtesy cars available
What makes us different
We specialize in tyres, mags and batteries. We offer a huge range of options for your tyres, including farming, forestry, and industrial tyres. All tyres and wheel packages have free shipping within New Zealand!
We stock only the best brands, we are dealers for the following brands:
- Kumho
- Toyo
- BF Goodrich
- Pirelli
- GT Radial
- Hankook
- Nankang
- Michelin
- Continental
- Maxxis
- Yokohama
- Goodride
- And all other major brands.
If you can not find what your looking for, just ask and we will get it!
Website: http://jackstyres.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Jacks-Tyre-Performance-129284977149864/timeline/
Linkedin: https://nz.linkedin.com/pub/jack-mclauchlan/51/4a2/b86
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