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Ivoclar Vivadent Limited Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 01:35   Medical & Emergency   12 Omega Street Rosedale Auckland 0632   31 views Reference: 19654

0.0 star

Servicing: Albany

Click to get direction: 12 Omega Street Rosedale Auckland 0632

Contact Info(s):

O: 099149999

F: 099149990

Mailing address

PO Box 303011 North Harbour 0751

About Ivoclar Vivadent Limited

Ivoclar Vivadent Ltd is a wholly owned subsidiary of Ivoclar Vivadent AG, with the parent company's head office located in Schaan, Liechtenstein.

Ivoclar Vivadent AG Schaan has daughter companies strategically located around the world of which New Zealand is one. In 1978 Ivoclar Vivadent Ltd was registered and commenced trading as an independent on the New Zealand and Pacific Island market. In 2001 Ivoclar underwent a name change worldwide to Ivoclar Vivadent. Our Head Office today is situated at 12 Omega Street, Rosedale, Auckland. We have branches in Wellington and Christchurch with showroom facilities for all equipment.

The company currently employs 53 people nationwide. Ivoclar Vivadent Ltd is an ISO 9001 2008 accredited company and deals on a direct basis with every dentist and dental technician in New Zealand and the surrounding Pacific Islands, which include Fiji, Rarotonga, Western Samoa, Tonga, Nauru and Niue. We are also agents for the following overseas principal companies:

Adec, Anthos, Candulor, Carestream, Dental Resources, Designs for Vision, Detax, Diadent, Durr, Elma, EMS, Erio, Ernst Hinrich, Filhol, FKG, Futudent, J&S Davis, Kodak, Meisinger, Melag, Mydent, Nova, Oral-B, Pascal, Plasdent, Prima, Renfert, Richmond, Septodont, Silfradent, W&H, Williams and Young Dental.

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