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ITraining Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:00   Professional Services   103 Carbine Road Mount Wellington Auckland 1060   19 views Reference: 77916

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Click to get direction: 103 Carbine Road Mount Wellington Auckland 1060

Contact Info(s):

O: 0508487233

About iTraining

iTraining is a one-stop shop for all your temporary traffic management, competency and compliance training requirements. iTraining provides traffic control courses led by qualified instructors with extensive experience in the field and on the road.

iTraining is a traffic management courses provider aiming to equip students with the skills, experience, and confidence they need to become successful in their chosen career path. iTrainings programs are flexible with teachers who are the best in their field, and provide a wealth of knowledge from their years of experience on the road and in operations.

iTraining offers a range of courses including STMS courses (or Site Traffic Management Specialist) for categories A, B, and C. They also have a ConstructSafe course; a solution to assessing the health and safety competency within the construction industry in NZ. Through these training programs, individuals become skilled and knowledgeable on traffic management for New Zealand roads.

iTraining has courses suitable for any worker who, under the NZTA Code of Practice, must complete compulsory workshops depending on the role they want to perform and the specifics of the road at which the works are being carried out.

iTraining is part of the Independent Group, which also includes iTraffic, and iConstruct. They support the training needs of companies and the trades industry overall.

View iTrainings training course schedule today. To register your interest or book a course online, visit their website at https://www.itraining.co.nz/.

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