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Sep 12th, 2022 at 21:15   Medical & Emergency   Servicing: Nelson Region   31 views Reference: 155511

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Contact Info(s):

O: 035468551


Our standard is to provide the best quality removable prosthetic solutions available, using the most Innovative and quality products in the market. Our team will consult with you and explain all of the various treatment solutions ensuring you have a fundamental understanding of your treatment. We work alongside dental professionals and collaborate on treatment to ensure the best quality care and all options are considered for long term results. Our goal is to alleviate the daily challenges and create a quality prosthesis that gives you the smiles you deserve. Our on-site laboratory facility also allows us to precisely monitor the quality of all of our dentures and ensure that all new dentures, repairs and realignments are done in a timely manner to make sure our patients can keep on smiling. All our dentures are done in house or done locally here in Nelson.

We are a local Nelson business that is here to look after your denture needs, which allows Wilson Denture Design to offer competitive pricing on its services to customers. In addition, we offer a 5% discount for valid Super Gold and Greypower cardholders.

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