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Intelligent Design Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:36   Professional Services   Servicing: Wellington Region   30 views Reference: 274771
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Contact Info(s):

O: 045701905

F: 045701975

Opening hours


Products and Services


Architectural Designers New Zealand Incorporated


Additions, Room Additions, Decks, Kitchens, Bathrooms

Markets Served



References Available


Builder Discounts


Code Compliance, Custom Designing, Renovations, Drawing, Alterations, Design, CAD, Remodelling, Architectural Specifications, Building Consents, Draughting, 3D Rendering

Price Information

Free Quotes, Free 1 Hour Design Consultation

Service Options



Conservatories, Subdivisions, Houses, High End Residences, New Construction, New Houses

Year est.


Parking options

Pay & Display


Architectural Designers NZ (ADNZ)
Architectural Designers NZ (ADNZ)

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

About Intelligent Design

Intelligent Design has more than 10 years experience in the industry which has given them a range of skills from designing quality new homes to small alterations and additions such as decks, garages, one room additions, and kitchen/bathroom remodelling. Intelligent Design provides small, friendly and professional architectural practice.

We have the latest technology and can provide customers with 3D drawings.

We at Intelligent Design offer services which include:

  • Architecture
  • Council Consents
  • Project Administration and Observation
  • Tailored Service

At Intelligent Design, their job as a Wellington architectural designer is to help people to enjoy their surroundings and domestic lifestyle. This is done by listening carefully to them, creating an intelligent design and paying attention to details.

Give us a call now for Free initial in house consultation and quotes.

Alternatively you can visit our website for more information.

What makes us different

Our architectural designers at Intelligent Design can assist with designing your home and property. We provide professional advice as well as drawings to ensure that we are meeting requirements and needs. We can work to the needs of our clients as well as provide our own work.

Website: http://www.intelligentdesign.co.nz/home-2015.aspx

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