Integrity Automatics 2003 Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 03:04 Auto Services 122 Bond Street Dunedin Central Dunedin 9016 23 views Reference: 186161Click to get direction: 122 Bond Street Dunedin Central Dunedin 9016
Contact Info(s):
O: 034777498
F: 0212294030
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesPick-ups
KindsElectronic, Light Duty
VehiclesLimousines, Trucks, Vans, Cars
Price InformationFree Estimates
Vehicle FeaturesManual, Automatic, Manual, Automatic
Service OptionsDelivery, Quotes
SystemsTransmissions, Manual Transmissions, Automatic Transmissions
ServicesTesting, Maintenance, Rebuilding, Reconditioning, Adjustments, Flushing, Breakdowns, Maintenance, Installation, Workshops, Repairs
Year est.
Parking options
Free Off-StreetAssociation
Payment options
About Integrity Automatics 2003 Ltd
Integrity Automatics 2003 Ltd are automatic and manual transmission specialists.
We guarantee honest and professional service. We will try and explain clearly what is wrong with the car & what repairs are necessary.
Our expertise covers...
- Diagnosing & repairs on electronic transmission systems
- Trans flush service
- Gear boxes
- Free courtesy car available
- Pre-purchase transmission checksFree advice and road tests
- All insurance work undertaken
- Secondhand transmissions
- Finance can be arranged
- No repairs undertaken without customer approval
- Free pick-up & delivery (Mosgiel & Dunedin metro areas)
Make sure your automatic transmission gets a regular service. Overheating and lack of service is the most common cause of automatic transmission problems.
What makes us different
For auto mechanical repairs that you can trust at competitive prices in the Dunedin area, call and speak to the team at Integrity Automatics.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.