Insultech Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 05:58 Home Services Servicing: Auckland Region 22 views Reference: 44076Location: Servicing: Auckland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 092639770
F: 0800467852
About Insultech
Are you and your house too hot, too cold or damp? Or is the house to noisy? Then call the team at Insultech Insulation, The existing wall specialists! With 20 years experience in insulation and heating products, your choices couldn't be simpler.
Insultech Insulation is based in Auckland, New Zealand and can help you select the most suitable, cost effective heating and insulation system to suit your needs and assure a comfortable home - forever! We specialise in residential insulation - roof insulation, floor insulation and existing wall insulation. New Build housing and fixing existing homes.
We offer a unique one stop shop for insulation, energy efficient and heating products, which provides a total solution to your home problem.
Our services include:
Home comfort & efficiency rating assessment
Free insulation measure and quotation service
Professional certified installation of insulation
Recommendation regarding existing insulation
Removal service for undesirable old insulation or damp insulation
Existing wall insulation (CosyWall Insulation)
Roof insulation (Qmulus, Earthwool, Bradford Gold and Others)
Floor insulation (Warmafloor, Greenstuff, Polystyrene)
Call us today.
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