Infomotive Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:37 Auto Services 24 Maisey Place Western Heights Rotorua 3015 19 views Reference: 149054Click to get direction: 24 Maisey Place Western Heights Rotorua 3015
Contact Info(s):
O: 073493032
F: 0272787452
About Infomotive
Infomotive Ltd. specialises in aftermarket modifications to import vehicles especially Nissan and Mitsubishi. 4wd Dyno tuning and aftermarket engine management are core parts of our business. We supply, fit and tune Link engine management ecus and can cater for most other brands. High performance engine building and gearbox overhauls also catered for. We can cater for almost all your requirements inhouse. Call us today!
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About Seller
Infomotive Ltd. specialises in aftermarket modifications to import vehicles especially Nissan and Mitsubishi. 4wd Dyno tuning and aftermarket engine management are core parts of our business. We supply, fit and tune Link engine management ecus and can cater for most other brands. High performance engine building and gearbox overhauls also catered for. We can cater for almost all your requirements inhouse. Call us today!