Ignition Motor Group Ltd Holden & Kia Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 19:30 Auto Services Cnr Guyton & Purnell Streets Whanganui 29 views Reference: 148693Location: Cnr Guyton & Purnell Streets Whanganui
Click to get direction: Cnr Guyton & Purnell Streets Whanganui
Contact Info(s):
O: 063490474
F: 063455584
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
Vehicle TypeImports
MakesMitsubishi, Holden, Kia, Flat, Ute, Honda, Kia, Holden, Mitsubishi
TradesAutomotive Mechanics
Vehicle Features4WD, 4WD
ConcernsNo Starts, Breakdowns, Check Engine Light
ServicesMaintenance, Inspections, Repairs, Tyre Rotation, Inspections, Lube Service, Oil Changes, 10,000 km Service, Tyre Rotation, Diagnostics, Tyre Changes, Safety Checks, Maintenance, Alignments, Tune-ups, Balancing, Flushing, Fluid Checks, Repairs, Troubleshooting
VehiclesToyota, Honda, Ute, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars, Mitsubishi
Payment OptionsFinancing, Financing
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
Price InformationSecond Hand
AssurancesWarranties, Warrant of Fitness, WOF, Warranties
Year est.
About Ignition Motor Group Ltd Holden & Kia
Ignition Motor Group (formerly Guthrie Motors) specialize in Holdens, and Kias & do service & repair all makes & models, for the greater Wanganui, Rangitikei, Waimarino and South Taranaki areas.
Every one of our technicians stands behind their quality service providing a 2 year or 50,000km warranty.
We also provide a state of the art servicing facility with factory trained technicians, a comprehensive parts department and friendly, knowledgeable sales people. Make an appointment or pop in today for your servicing, maintenance & repairs, WOFs, wheels, tyres, batteries.
With onsite finance available, you can be assured that you'll be driving away in your new Holden, Kia or Mitsubishi in no time.
What makes us different
Established in 2012, we are specialists in automotive repair providing exceptional services at affordable rates across the greater Wanganui, Rangitikei, Waimarino and South Taranaki areas. Our factory trained technicians assist in all your queries. Contact us today for more information.
Website: http://imgl.co.nz
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