Hugo Young Law Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 15:52 Professional Services 33 Don Street Invercargill 9810 24 views Reference: 196778Location: 33 Don Street Invercargill 9810
Click to get direction: 33 Don Street Invercargill 9810
Contact Info(s):
O: 032142418
F: 032142132
Products and Services
CrimesTraffic Violations
TradesBarristers, Solicitors
PracticesFamily Law, General Practice, Property Law, Traffic Law, Mental Health Law, Business Law, Employment Law, Estate Law, Youth Law, Criminal Law, Real Estate Law
ServicesEstate Planning, Wills, Trusts, Property Agreements
ConcernsCriminal Disputes, Youth Offending
CourtsSupreme Court, District Court, High Court
Markets ServedCommercial
AssurancesOver 20 Years Experience
About Hugo Young Law
Hugo Young - Your criminal law specialist in Southland
Hugo has consistently attained positive results for clients, especially in the area of criminal jury trials. Hugo has more than 20 years of experience in the litigation field.
Hugo Young Law can help you with Court representation for:
Criminal prosecutions
Traffic prosecutions Land Transport applications
Mental Health hearings
Youth Offending
To find out more about the services and for queries, please visit the website or give Hugo Young Law a call today
What makes us different
Hugo Young is a criminal law specialist.We can help you with criminal prosecutions, traffic prosecutions, mental health hearings etc.
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