Hughes C & Associates Ltd Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 02:30 Professional Services 17A Murray Terrace Cromwell 9310 24 views Reference: 182753Location: 17A Murray Terrace Cromwell 9310
Click to get direction: 17A Murray Terrace Cromwell 9310
Contact Info(s):
O: 034450376
F: 0273481179
Mailing address
PO Box 51 Cromwell 9342
About Hughes C & Associates Ltd
C Hughes & Associates specialises in land development and resource consents for subdivisions and land use. We carry out urban, rural, topographical and engineering surveys, boundary redefinition, aerial drone and GPS surveys
Since 1974 we have provided a full range of planning and land surveying consultancy services for subdivision and land development, whether urban or rural, large or small, in Central Otago and the adjoining regions..
Contact C Hughes & Associates and let us help you
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Seller Information
Hughes C & Associates Ltd
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About Seller
C Hughes & Associates specialises in land development and resource consents for subdivisions and land use. We carry out urban, rural, topographical and engineering surveys, boundary redefinition, aerial drone and GPS surveys
Since 1974 we have provided a full range of planning and land surveying consultancy services for subdivision and land development, whether urban or rural, large or small, in Central Otago and the adjoining regions..
Contact C Hughes & Associates and let us help you