HT Drainage & Earthworks Professional
Sep 10th, 2022 at 19:01 Professional Services Servicing: Auckland Region 21 views Reference: 52781Location: Servicing: Auckland Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 094122642
About HT Drainage & Earthworks
HT Drainage & Earthworks are West Auckland based earthmoving contractors providing professional excavation, drain laying, delivery and removal services to contractors, trades, developers, council, Water Care and the general public. If you look around the Hobsonville Point development, residential sub-divisions behind the Grange in Warkworth and high-end residential properties in Coatesville, you will see some of their latest excavations and land development work.
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Seller Information
About Seller
HT Drainage & Earthworks are West Auckland based earthmoving contractors providing professional excavation, drain laying, delivery and removal services to contractors, trades, developers, council, Water Care and the general public. If you look around the Hobsonville Point development, residential sub-divisions behind the Grange in Warkworth and high-end residential properties in Coatesville, you will see some of their latest excavations and land development work.