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Horizon Networks Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:03   Home Services   11 Te Tahi Street Whakatane 3120   24 views Reference: 84283
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Servicing: Whakatane Area

Tagline: Also known as: Horizon Services Limited t/a Horizon Networks

Click to get direction: 11 Te Tahi Street Whakatane 3120

Contact Info(s):

O: 073062900

F: 0800764228

Opening hours


Products and Services

Markets Served

Residential, Commercial


To Customer Requirements, Grinding, Removal, Stump Removal, Tree Felling, Stump Grinding

Service Options

Visit Us Online


Stump Grinders, Grinders

Year est.


Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
Personal Cheques

Mailing address

PO Box 661 WHAKATANE 3158

About Horizon Networks

Horizon Networks, as part of the Horizon Energy Group, owns, manages and operates the electricity network that serves the Eastern Bay of Plenty region. Were proud to care for a network that covers more than 8,000km and supplies more than 25,000 customers, with a maximum demand of 90 MW of electricity.

Maintaining a continuous, safe and reliable supply of electricity while protecting our assets and whnau through excellent health, safety and environmental procedures, is key to our success.Horizon Networks offers a comprehensive range of tree services to all residential and commercial customers across Whakatane and surrounding areas.

Vegetation maintenance near power lines is hazardous work. The Electricity (Hazards from Trees) Regulations 2003 specify that no person is permitted within 4 metres of a power line without approval. In the Eastern Bay of Plenty region, this approval can only be granted by Horizon Networks.

If you choose to do this work yourself, or use an unauthorised contractor and are seen to be encroaching within 4 metres of the power lines, you can be reported to Worksafe New Zealand. If vegetation on your property is encroaching into the Growth Limit Zone, you can contact the Horizon Networks Vegetation Management team on 0800 HORIZON and we can make the necessary arrangements for you.

Vegetation maintenance is dangerous work and must be completed following strict safety guidelines. You may be liable for all costs associated with any damage or power outages caused to the Horizon Networks network by your trees.

Our tree services include:

  • Tree trimming;
  • Tree felling;
  • Tree removal;
  • Vegetation maintenance; and
  • Stump grinding.

For more information about trees around power lines, or an obligation free consultation about our services, call 0800 HORIZON.

What makes us different

An essential part of the Horizon Energy Group, we look after the power lines and distribution of electricity throughout the Eastern Bay of Plenty region. Horizon Networks is proud to be 100% locally owned. This pride is supported by the fact that we live in the communities we work in. Ultimately, our network (via Energy Retailers) powers lifestyles with security and comfort.

The success of our business directly impacts the level of positive effect we can have on our communities and the environment. Were proud to be a sustainable, safe and innovative business working hard to bring dependable electricity to more than 23,000 homes and businesses across the region.

There are no two ways about it, Horizon Network plays a critical role in keeping the wheels of our communities turning. This is our genuine and earnest responsibility and we will never take it lightly.

Website: http://www.horizonenergy.net.nz

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Horizon-Energy-Group-386326161751408/

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company-beta/18100442/

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC28MRghP08quGyDYX_fljzw

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