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Hopper Construction Ltd Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 02:26   Professional Services   Servicing: Auckland City, Hibiscus Coast, Manukau City, North Shore, Warkworth Area, West Auckland   56 views Reference: 23615

0.0 star

Contact Info(s):

O: 094265010

F: 094263000

Products and Services


Earthmoving, Construction Management


Scrapers, Bulldozers, Vans, Dump Trucks




Locally Owned



Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

About Hopper Construction Ltd

Hopper Construction is a civil engineering construction company based at Silverdale on the Hibiscus Coast north of Auckland and active in the greater Auckland, Waikato, Coromandel and Northland districts

The company was formed in the early 1990as, initially to assist with the construction of projects for its associate company Hopper Developments Ltd, but Hopper Construction Ltd is a stand alone company that has always tendered and worked competitively in the open market place

While the company has unparalleled expertise in canal subdivision construction, it is equally proficient in all areas of civil construction

Scope of works include

Bulk earthworks
Road construction
Stormwater and sewer reticulation and upgrades
Watermain reticulation
Concrete works
Retaining walls
Full subdivision construction

What makes us different

We are a civil engineering construction company and provide services to the greater Auckland, Waikato, Coromandel and Northland districts. We can provide canal subdivision as well as civil construction. Our scope of works include bulk earthworks, road construction, stormwater and sewer reticulation and upgrades, watermain reticulation, dewatering, concrete works, retaining walls, landscaping and full subdivision construction.

Website: http://www.hopperconstruction.co.nz

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