Honda Hub Hawera Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:51 Auto Services 250 Waihi Road Hawera 4673 19 views Reference: 215677Location: 250 Waihi Road Hawera 4673
Contact Info(s):
O: 062785972
About Honda Hub Hawera
At Honda Hub Hawera we pride ourselves on providing fast, professional and friendly service, so whatever your motorcycling needs we have you covered at Honda Hub.
Whether you are interested in new or used bikes, servicing or parts - our knowledgeable team can help!
We now have a branches in Hawera and New Plymouth and our motorcycle dealership is owned and operated by a team that is experienced and passionate about motorbikes.
Our full workshop and service department is available 5 days a week, and because we care about your bike as much as you do, you can rest assure that it will leave our workshop in tip top condition.
Whether you need a Service, repair, performance or safety enhancement, Honda Hub have the team to get it done.
Simply visit our website for more information or call us today!
engine-servicingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.