Honda Hamilton Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:56 Auto Services 14 Willoughby Street Hamilton 3200 24 views Reference: 246302Location: 14 Willoughby Street Hamilton 3200
Click to get direction: 14 Willoughby Street Hamilton 3200
Contact Info(s):
O: 078389299
F: 078389298
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeImports
MotorcyclesDirt Bikes, Mini Bikes, Road Bikes, Racing Bikes, Sport Bikes, Scooters, Farmbikes
BrandsMichelin, Pirelli
PartsWheels, Bridgestone, Air Filters, Cables, 4-stroke Engines, Road Tyres, Off-road Tyres, Grips, Tyres, Filters, 2-stroke Engine
Service OptionsVisit Us Online
ServicesRestoration, Custom Work, Repairs, Tyre Changes
Markets ServedCommercial
AssurancesGenuine Parts
Parking options
Free Off-StreetMailing address
PO Box 9505 Hamilton 3240
About Honda Hamilton
Welcome to HONDA HAMILTON. We are passionate about Motorcycles! We are locally owned and operated and are committed to provide a first class service to our customers.
As Waikatos only Honda Red Carpet dealer we offer Honda Road Motorcycles, Honda Off Road Bikes, Honda Scooters, Honda ATV and Farm Bikes plus a large selection of quality used motorcycles and used ATVs. We strive to bring you quality motorcycle apparel and motorcycle accessories at the best prices possible. We will endeavour to offer the most prompt and efficient service available. Our highly trained Motorcycle Technicians will have your bikes serviced and tuned ready to go.
For more information, please visit our website or give us a call.
What makes us different
Locally owned and operated we are Waikato's only Honda dealer and are committed to providing you with first class service. We sell and service Honda Road and Off-road Motorcycles, ATV, Jet skis and Honda Power Equipment and have a huge range of accessories. Come and visit us or give us a call.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.