Honda Farm Trail & Road Ltd Professional
Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:31 Auto Services Servicing: Motueka Area, Murchison Area, Nelson Area, Takaka Area 21 views Reference: 161562Contact Info(s):
O: 037689922
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
MotorcyclesRoad Bikes
Parts4-stroke Engines, Motors, Off-road Tyres, Performance Tyres, 2-stroke Engine
Payment OptionsFinancing
ProductsClothing, Jackets, Gloves, Protective Clothing, Protective Wear, Protective Sleeves, Boots, Helmets, Bodywear, Goggles
Price InformationSecond Hand
About Honda Farm Trail & Road Ltd
Honda Farm Trail & Road at 4 Murray St, Greymouth, is the only West Coast licensed Honda motorcycle dealer. Contact us for all your sales, servicing, parts and accessories.
Be it 4-wheelers, farm bikes, motocross, TRX, off road, trail or road bikes, we provide our customers with excellent service.
Farm demos and on-farm servicing, new and used.
Our friendly sales staff will make sure we find the right bike for you and our skilled and experienced sales department will keep your bike running in top condition.
We are open on Saturdays 9am to 12pm during the Summer months.
We are associated with MTF and finance packages are also available.
What makes us different
We supply and service motorcycles, farm vehicles, and equipment with genuine Honda parts. We appreciate our clients and want to keep downtimes to a minimum. We work hard so your vehicles can continue to work hard for you. Contact us we have a range of products including Motorcycles, Scooters, Lawnmowers, and Generators.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.