Holden - Shorland Holden Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 00:03 Auto Services 79 Old Taupo Road Rotorua 3015 26 views Reference: 74186Location: 79 Old Taupo Road Rotorua 3015
Click to get direction: 79 Old Taupo Road Rotorua 3015
Contact Info(s):
O: 073483179
About Holden - Shorland Holden
If you are searching for a new or used Holden in the Rotorua area then Shorland Holden is the place to be! Shorland Holden is your premier Holden dealer.
Vehicles aren't all we have to offer, visit our Service Department for all things technical or our Parts Department for all your maintenance gear & Holden genuine accessories. You can even book a service or make a parts enquiry.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
If you are searching for a new or used Holden in the Rotorua area then Shorland Holden is the place to be! Shorland Holden is your premier Holden dealer.
Vehicles aren't all we have to offer, visit our Service Department for all things technical or our Parts Department for all your maintenance gear & Holden genuine accessories. You can even book a service or make a parts enquiry.