Heslops Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 01:59 Auto Services Motueka 25 views Reference: 232041Location: Motueka
Contact Info(s):
O: 035439400
F: 035439407
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Courtesy ServicesCourtesy Cars
Vehicle TypeDomestic
SourcePetrol, Diesel
MakesInternational, Mack, MAN, Hino, Renault, Kenworth
Markets ServedIndustrial, Commercial, Commercial, Residential
VehiclesTrucks, Vans, Cars, 4WD, Trucks, Vans, Cars
Price InformationSecond Hand
Vehicle FeaturesManual, Automatic, 4WD
ConcernsAccidents, Breakdowns, Check Engine Light, Breakdowns, Accidents, No Starts, Trucking Accidents, Leaks, Dents, Emissions, Check Engine Light, Breakdowns, Interior Damage, Body Damage, Rust, Collisions, No Starts, Damage, Cracks
FacilitiesGarage, Workshop
PartsStarters, Timing Belts, Tyres, Transmissions, Wheels, Truck Transmissions, Suspensions, Springs, Windscreens, Air Filters, Belts, Automatic Transmissions, Brake Pads, Air Bags, Batteries, Ball Valves, Big Block Engines, Engine Bearings, Air Bags, Chains, Cables, Brakes, Air Hoses, CV Boots, Drums, Body Panels, Air Brakes, Anti Lock Brakes, Air Filters, Engines, Fuel Injectors, Belts, Bolts, Bonnet Protectors, Bearings, Batteries, Filters, Engines, Body Panels, Clutches, Headlights, CV Joints, Gearboxes, Brakes
Service OptionsOnline Services, Quotes
SystemsSteering Systems, Starting Systems, Air Conditioning, Suspension Systems, Support Systems, Heating Systems, Fuel Systems
ServicesRepairs, Maintenance, To Customer Requirements, Alignments, Warrant of Fitness, Tune-ups, Analysis, Repairs, Balancing, Alignments, Alternations, Reconditioning, Inspections, Oil Changes, Diagnostics, Maintenance, Alignments, Tune-ups, Balancing, Lube Service, Repairs
ProductsAccessories, Vans
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Warranties
Year est.
About Heslops
Heslops Motor Group is your One Stop Shop for all your Mechanical and Engineering Services, located at 7 Kotua Place, Stoke, Nelson. Heslops Motor Group specialise in repairing and maintaining Trucks, Trailers, Buses, Cars, 4 x 4 Vehicles, Marine Engines, Heavy Equipment and Motor Homes.
We have several fully equipped workshops, a Parts Department and teams of specialised people to assist and advise you on your particular vehicle problem.
Heslops Group have the only purpose built Heavy Salvage Vehicles in the Nelson/Marlborough Districts. We are licensed salvage operators with fully licensed operators and are available 24 hours a day for accident or breakdown recovery.
What makes us different
At Lloyd Heslops Motors we are your mechanical and engineering experts! For premier workmanship at reasonable rates, give us a call today!
Website: http://www.heslops.co.nz
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Heslops
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