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Heaven Sent Pet Cremations Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 02:49   Pet Services   159-183 Puddle Alley Mosgiel Dunedin   22 views Reference: 184643

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Click to get direction: 159-183 Puddle Alley Mosgiel Dunedin

Contact Info(s):

O: 034892274

F: 034892293

Mailing address

Private BAG 50034 Mosgiel 9024

About Heaven Sent Pet Cremations

For many of us, pets are members of our families. They love unconditionally. It doesn't matter to them how we look, feel or behave, they give us friendship and devotion, enthusiasm and forgiveness - no strings attached.

When the time comes, and you have to give your pet a dignified farewell, Heaven Sent Pet cremations offers a collection and cremation service. We cater for the smallest of pets, like budgies, to cats, dogs, ponies and some farm animals. We also provide a range of commemorative products to keep the memory of your pet alive.

Our friendly team will ensure compassionate and dignified attention, our focus is to make a difficult time easier for you

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