Heap Dr Steve BVSc CertVOphthal Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 16:05 Pet Services Cnr Hoon Hay Road & Coppell Place Hillmorton Christchurch 25 views Reference: 84394Click to get direction: Cnr Hoon Hay Road & Coppell Place Hillmorton Christchurch
Contact Info(s):
O: 033382534
F: 033398624
About Heap Dr Steve BVSc CertVOphthal
Heap Dr Steve BVSc CertVOphthal are local providers in the Veterinarians category. Established in the 1999, we have 19 years of experience in the Canterbury Region. Give us a call today!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/McMasterandHeap
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Seller Information
Heap Dr Steve BVSc CertVOphthal
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About Seller
Our goal is to provide your pet with the best possible level of care and expertise available in a private practice. It is a difference you can see in our commitment, technology, education and level of service.
Services we offer include: Eye referrals including cataract surgeries All general surgery, orthopedic and joint surgery In-house blood and urine testing Dental scaling and polishing and extractions X-ray facilities Ultrasound,ECG monitoring for heart disease Cat grooming Blood pressure monitoring Isoflurane anaesthesia Radioactive iodine for hyperthyroid cats Cryosurgery for nasal cancer and eye disease Boarding cattery
Contact our friendly, passionate and highly qualified team today.