HBomb Customs & Classics Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 18:48 Auto Services 483 Arowhenua Road RD 5 Timaru 7975 31 views Reference: 94192Location: 483 Arowhenua Road RD 5 Timaru 7975
Servicing: Canterbury Region, Timaru Oamaru Region
Click to get direction: 483 Arowhenua Road RD 5 Timaru 7975
Contact Info(s):
O: 036155191
F: 0274256956
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
VehiclesClassic Cars, Classic Cars, Motorcycles
Vehicle TypeDomestic, Imports, Domestic, Imports, Domestic
TradesPanel Beaters
Price InformationFree Estimates, Free Estimates, Free Estimates
FacilitiesPanel Shop
ConcernsDents, Dents
ServicesPainting, Vehicle Painting, Custom Work, Colour Matching, Rebuilding, Finishing, To Customer Requirements, Panel Replacement, Panel Repairs, Panel Beating, Resurfacing, Custom Designing, Customising, Painting, Vehicle Painting, Custom Work, Colour Matching, Rebuilding, Finishing, To Customer Requirements, Panel Beating, Resurfacing, Custom Designing, Customising, Painting, Custom Work, Rebuilding, To Customer Requirements, Finishing, Customising
Markets ServedResidential, Residential, Residential
Vehicle StyleVintage
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated, Genuine Parts, Locally Owned & Operated, Locally Owned & Operated
About HBomb Customs & Classics
HBOMB Customs & Classics have been operating since 2006 servicing many satisfied clients around New Zealand, who are happily available for referrals.
Our workmanship speaks for itself, attracting repeat clients from all areas who are looking for the best quality workmanship. We restore classic vehicles, motorcycles, and in some cases
- Vintage fridges
- Bicycles
- Caravans
- Gas pump bowsers
- Phones
- Radios
You can rely on us to strip down vehicles, categorise and store all parts, and reassemble your vehicle. Our business partners throughout the UK and US are ready to supply and ship parts upon demand when required.
We use the latest machinery to prefab and build most panels. Our quality die cast repairs are used on classic and vintage die cast parts. We pride our reputation for quality automotive refinishing providing that "patina'd look" finishes.
We use the latest technology, by continuously researching custom and original interiors to ensure we provide the best finish available. Our specialised in-house parts sourcing system allows us to obtain unique parts to suit your restoration.
Our services include:
- Panel Beating
- Metal Fabrication
- Pre-Chrome Repairs
- Paint Refinishing
- Upholstery
- Auto Electrical
- Certification
- Shipping
- Parts Sourcing
For more information and for queries, please give us a call or visit our website.
What makes us different
Our ambition is to stay passionate about providing the service that is on offer, and provide the enthusiast with a restoration that surpasses no other.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.