Harness Master Professional
Sep 11th, 2022 at 23:16 Auto Services Servicing: Canterbury Region 23 views Reference: 115168Location: Servicing: Canterbury Region
Contact Info(s):
O: 0212277706
About Harness Master
Harness Master - Your Automotive, Agriculture and Marine electric experts!
Here at Harness Master, we specialise in auto electrical fit-outs, Diagnostic, Harness/loom manufacture and up grades. We provide prompt mobile service as well as a workshop facility. We can help with repairs from Automotive, Agriculture, marine to Commercial
We Also Provide a mobile Auto Electrical service
Harness Master can help with
- Repairs and diagnostics
- Air Conditioning
- Batteries
- Light accessories
- OEM electrical harness upgrades
- Electrical harness/Loom Braiding
- Mechanical Repairs/servicing
- Harness Braiding
Give us a call today for more information or come in and see us! You'll be glad you did!
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
About Seller
Harness Master - Your Automotive, Agriculture and Marine electric experts!
Here at Harness Master, we specialise in auto electrical fit-outs, Diagnostic, Harness/loom manufacture and up grades. We provide prompt mobile service as well as a workshop facility. We can help with repairs from Automotive, Agriculture, marine to Commercial
We Also Provide a mobile Auto Electrical service
Harness Master can help with
Repairs and diagnostics
Air Conditioning
Light accessories
OEM electrical harness upgrades
Electrical harness/Loom Braiding
Mechanical Repairs/servicing
Harness Braiding
Give us a call today for more information or come in and see us! You'll be glad you did!