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Hardy-Jones Clark Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 20:28   Professional Services   76 High Street Blenheim 7201   30 views Reference: 150830

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Click to get direction: 76 High Street Blenheim 7201

Contact Info(s):

O: 035785339

F: 035780323

Products and Services




Barristers, Lawyers, Solicitors, Barristers, Solicitors


Investment Planning, Investment Management


Legal Advice, Tax Advice, Planning, Property Management, Assessments, Conveyancing, Certifications


General Practice, Family Law, Employment Law, Contract Law, Estate Law, Property Law, Business Law


Notary Seal

Markets Served

Commercial, Residential, Commercial, Residential

Service Options

Visit Us Online, Online Information

About Hardy-Jones Clark

Hardy-Jones Clark was the first law firm in Marlborough. Based in Blenheim, our firm provides legal services in Marlborough and Kaikoura. Our client portfolio includes some large commercial enterprises, local authorities, wineries, viticulture developers, and many local businesses and individuals.

All Hardy-Jones Clark lawyers are specialists in their area of expertise,so you know you are getting the best legal advice for your particular legal matter.

Each partner is supported by a high-calibre team of experienced legal staff. Our lawyers understand the dynamics of the Marlborough region and blend the personal, caring nature expected in a small town, with a highly professional legal service.

So when you engage a lawyer at Hardy-Jones Clark, you get a lawyer who cares about you as an individual, and actively pursues the best outcome for you.

The main areas of law we cover include:

  • Commercial law and company law including franchising
  • Property law and mortgages
  • Environmental & resource management law
  • Disputes - advocacy, mediation, arbitration
  • Accident compensation
  • Litigation
  • Employment issues, employment contracts, employment disputes
  • Treaty of Waitangi
  • Family law, matrimonial issues, relationship property
  • Asset protection, estate planning, trust, wills, powers of attorney
  • Industry - farming, viticulture, marine farming, forestry, wine industry

Contact us today to discuss your requirements or visit us online.

What makes us different

Since we understand that the environmental and resource management law is a major component of modern legal practice, we provide quality legal advice from our experts. Having an access to a wide network of New Zealand's legal experts we proudly handle highly specialized and complex cases.

Website: http://hjc.co.nz

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