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Hardings Pharmacy Professional

Sep 11th, 2022 at 15:14   Medical & Emergency   167 Colombo St Beckenham Christchurch 8023   34 views Reference: 79290

0.0 star

Servicing: Beckenham, Cashmere, Saint Martins, Somerfield, Spreydon, Sydenham, Waltham

Click to get direction: 167 Colombo St Beckenham Christchurch 8023

Contact Info(s):

O: 033321696

F: 033321923

About Hardings Pharmacy

PHONE: (03) 332 1696 FAX: (03) 332 1923
Located in Beckenham we have been serving the Community and beyond since 1923.

Specifically we are opposite the Christchurch South Police Station or next to the Becks Ale House.

Our services include: Over The Counter (OTC) Medication advice and supply, Vitamins and Natural Health Products, Pharmacist advice on aliments including but not limited to; Allergies, Bites, Coughs, Colds, Pain Relief, First Aid, Vitamins, Stomach Disorders, Ear Ache, Tooth Ache, Sunscreen, Cold Sores, Sinus problems, Sore Throats and Dry Skin.

We supply Medico Packs with Free delivery and offer a Long Term Conditons (LTC) service.

Our trained Pharmacists can dispense and provide advice on Urinary Tract Infection Antibiotics, Sildenafil (Vigara/Vedafil) for Erectile Dysfunction, Conjuctivitis (Eye Infection) Antibiotics, Emergency Contraceptive Pill (Morning After Pill), and Prescription Medications including specialty Hospital Medications (HIV / Hepatitis). We are one of the original 3 Christchurch Pharmacies to supply Hospital Medications.

In the unlikely event we do not have a Medication in stock, we can get it into the Pharmacy between 3 and 24 hours. Just call us or pop in and see our Team.


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