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Hansen's Cafe & Store Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 05:12   Food, Drink & Dining   Servicing: Feilding Area, Palmerston North Area   33 views Reference: 136924

0.0 star

Contact Info(s):

O: 063285050

About Hansen's Cafe & Store

Hansen's Cafe and Store is located in the village of Kimbolton, just 20 minutes drive from Feilding and 35 minutes from Palmerston North.

The historic Hansen's building has been recently renovated to provide a warm and inviting atmosphere.
Our food is prepared in-house with salads, vegetarian and non-vegetarian hot meals. We also have gourmet pizzas available, freshly made for dine-in or takeaway.
Our kitchen closes around 8pm on Friday but diners generally stay until 9pm or so. We open at 9am on Saturdays for those looking for a tasty breakfast. We serve Ozone coffee and have a good selection of loose-leaf teas.
Hansen's has a tasteful selection of gifts including handmade wooden items and soaps.

Please come & enjoy our peaceful atmosphere & the local surrounds including Cross Hills Gardens.
For more information please call us!



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