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Hansens Auto Services 2020 Limited Professional

Sep 13th, 2022 at 05:11   Auto Services   19/1C Repco Boulevard Queenstown   22 views Reference: 195709
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Click to get direction: 19/1C Repco Boulevard Queenstown

Contact Info(s):

O: 034429702

F: 034429561

Opening hours


Products and Services

Courtesy Services

Pick-ups, Courtesy Cars


Mechanics, Automotive Mechanics


Waiting Room


Car Trailers, Vans, Cars


No Starts, Check Engine Light, Breakdowns


AA Rewards


Oil Changes, Jump Starts, Engine Exchanges, Steam Cleaning, Alignments, Electrical Work, Flushing, Diagnostics, Balancing, Computer Scanning, Pre-purchase Inspections, Tune-ups


Warrant of Fitness

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street


Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Land Transport Safety Authority (LTSA)
Land Transport Safety Authority (LTSA)

Payment options

Credit Terms Available
Personal Cheques
Gift Vouchers
Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)
American Express

About Hansens Auto Services 2020 Limited

Hansens Auto Services 2020 Limited is a locally owned and operated business, situated across two workshops in Queenstown's Industrial Place, just five minutes from the centre of town. Hansens has been repairing and servicing vehicles in the Wakatipu since 1981.
Hansens can offer you knowledge and experience, prompt and efficient service, and the backing of the distributors of several popular brands of vehicles.

Hansens are the largest automotive workshop in Queenstown, and are the Central Otago parts and service dealer for Mitsubishi, BMW, Mini, Land Rover, Jaguar, Volvo, Mercedes-Benz, Chrysler and Jeep.

Our business places a strong emphasis on providing excellent customer service by offering on-going training for all our staff, and by keeping up with the latest technology. We are able to diagnose vehicle faults quickly, using factory test equipment. Our aim is to remain the leading provider of automotive solutions in the Wakatipu. In 2005 we won the Daimler Chrysler Outstanding Service Achievement Award.

Our Parts Department stocks a comprehensive range of genuine parts for all our franchises to maintain your vehicle to the highest standard. Our workshop can carry out your warrant of fitness, while you wait if you wish. We can perform LPG certifications, carry out on-vehicle disk brake machining, and we have machines to flush your vehicle's coolant and power steering fluid. From tune-ups to replacing an engine, no job is too big or too small for our competent team of technicians.

Hansens is a member of the MTA, so you can be assured that all work performed is of a good quality, and that you receive a fair deal.

What makes us different

Hansen's is Queenstown's leading provider of automotive solutions. We have been repairing and servicing vehicles in the Wakatipu area for over 30 years. Get in touch with us today and find out how our friendly experts can help you.

Website: http://www.hansensauto.co.nz

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