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Hamilton Honda & Hyundai Auto Spares Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 04:57   Auto Services   48 Ellis Street Hamilton 3204   24 views Reference: 246395
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Click to get direction: 48 Ellis Street Hamilton 3204

Contact Info(s):

O: 078466664

F: 078471129

Products and Services




Gearboxes, Body Panels, Stereos, Headlights, Brakes, Lights, Starter Motors, Tyres, Bumpers, Mag Wheels, Radiators, Shocks & Struts, Engines

Vehicle Features


Year est.


About Hamilton Honda & Hyundai Auto Spares

Welcome to Hamilton Honda & Hyundai Auto Spares. If you are looking for car parts then you've come to the right place! Hamilton Honda & Hyundai Auto Spares can help you with all your Honda & Hyundai part requirements and more.

We dismantle & import car parts for Japanese & Korean vehicles, and our experienced team can give you advice and knowledge on all your car part needs. Plus we can also offer you a very competitive cost for fitting of most parts we supply.

With over 20 years experience in the automotive dismantling industry, Hamilton Honda & Hyundai Auto Spares are your trusted local car parts dealers.

Call today to speak to our friendly team and ask about our 'Cash Paid for Cars' offer.

What makes us different

Hamilton Honda & Hyundai Auto Spares dismantle & import car parts for Japanese & Korean vehicles. Our experienced team can give you advice and knowledge on all your car part needs and we can also offer you a very competitive cost for fitting of most parts we supply.

Website: http://www.hhhautospares.co.nz

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