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Hamilton Family Dental Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 19:58   Medical & Emergency   Thames   27 views Reference: 264276

0.0 star

Location: Thames

Contact Info(s):

O: 072145987

About Hamilton Family Dental

At Hamilton Family Dental, we provide a range of dental services, such as extractions or tooth removals, fillings, gum treatments, dentures, crown & bridge, general checkup and more extensive restorations, all at reasonable prices. Our dental clinic provides cost effective dental solutions for your all dental care and denture needs. We also provide Free ACC treatment for dental injuries and free quotes for Work and Income New Zealand (WINZ).

Our experienced dentists provide all aspects of dental care, from fillings to extractions, dentures to crowns and bridges. Young or old, whatever your dental concerns are, we can find a solution to fit you! We understand that visiting the dentist can be difficult and we are sure that our friendly team will put you at ease.

Our services include:

Root Canal Treatment or Root Canal Therapy (RCT)
Gum Treatment and Scale and Polish
False teeth or Dentures
Crowns and bridges
Cosmetic Makeovers
Scaling and polishing
We offer a free first dental consultation to look at a problematic tooth. The costs of x-rays is not included, and they carry a $25 charge each.

We also offer a full mouth examination for only $89 (including x-rays) and offer Free treatment for children under 18 years of age
* treatment that is funded by the government. Does not include braces, beaching and mouth guards.

Call us today, to book your appointment.

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