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Hamilton Collision Repairs Limited Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 21:12   Auto Services   54 Ellis Street Frankton Hamilton 3204   16 views Reference: 271699
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Servicing: Waikato Region

Tagline: Also known as: Hamilton Repair Certifiers

Click to get direction: 54 Ellis Street Frankton Hamilton 3204

Contact Info(s):

O: 078482089

Opening hours


Products and Services


Collision Repair Association

Courtesy Services

Courtesy Cars, Courtesy Cars


Panel Beaters

Price Information

Free Parking, Free Repair Estimates


Accident damage, Rust, Scuffs, Dents, Collisions, Hail Damage


Paint Shop, Panel Shop, Spray booth, Computerised measuring system

Payment Options

Insurance Accepted, Mastercard, EFTPOS, Visa




Dent Repairs, Panel Repairs, Chassis Straightening, Painting, Accident Recovery, Insurance Work, Body Repairs, Collision Claims, Panel Beating, Panel Beating

Markets Served



Owner On-site, Over 50 Years Experience, Owner Operated, Guaranteed

Year est.


Parking options

Free Off-Street

GST Number



Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Motor Trade Association (Inc)
Collision Repair Association
Collision Repair Association

Payment options

Direct Credit (internet banking, phone banking)

About Hamilton Collision Repairs Limited

Has your vehicle seen better days? Hamilton Collision repairs specialise in all insurance and private work. Whether you've had a small ding, need rust repairs for a warrant of fitness, or are working on a project car, we will provide top quality service every time. We offer a wide range of services from chassis straightening specialising in 4WD using the latest computerised chassis straightening technology, through to fibreglass repairs. We have over 50 years of proven experience in the industry and guarantee all of our workmanship to a high standard. All of our staff are fully qualified and have the skills and expertise to tackle any job - big or small. Bevan is an NZTA appointed Light Vehicle Repair Certifier. Certifier for Accident Damage, Certification, Corrosion and Restoration. So if you require a repair cert, give Bevan a call. We offer a 24 hour salvage service, and also have free loan cars available for your convenience. Call us today to arrange a free quote or visit our website for more information.

What makes us different

At Hamilton Collision Repairs Ltd we provide automotive panel-beating and paint services. We pride ourselves on our expert knowledge, quality workmanship and modern technologies.

Bevan is also a NZTA Light Vehicle Repair Certifier, One of only three in Hamilton.

For a reliable services, give us a call today!

Website: http://hamiltoncollision.co.nz

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