Hamilton City Towing & Salvage Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 23:20 Auto Services Hawera 26 views Reference: 223991Location: Hawera
Contact Info(s):
O: 0800638698
Products and Services
Vehicles4WD, Trucks, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD
Service AreasRegional, Local
ConcernsCollisions, Car Accidents, Punctures, Flat Tyres, Lockouts, Accidents, Breakdowns, Dead Batteries
Service OptionsEmergency Services, 24 Hour Service
ServicesJump Starts, Recovery, Winch Outs, Salvaging, Transportation, Long Distance Transportation, Accident Recovery
About Hamilton City Towing & Salvage
In need of a towing and salvage service now? Hamilton City Towing & Salvage operates 24 hours a day, seven days a week, so we're available when you need us. We also service the entire North Island.
Whether your car has broken down or been involved in an accident we're here to help. We are also able to help with the transportation of your Motorbike, Trike or Spider. From emergencies to standard services, whatever your towing and salvage needs, we do it all, 24/7.
If you need efficient and reliable towing and salvage service, call our freephone number anytime.
What makes us different
Contact us for a non-obligation quote we are located on Dey St, Hamilton. Our services include:
- Car towing
- Roadside assistance
- Motor Bike and Trike Towing
- Accidents
- Breakdowns
- Transportation of Classics
breakdown-towingWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.