Grime Busters @ Magnum Compliance Dunedin Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 21:44 Auto Services 4 Turakina Road South Dunedin Dunedin 22 views Reference: 215037Location: 4 Turakina Road South Dunedin Dunedin
Tagline: Also known as: Magnum Compliance Dunedin Ltd
Click to get direction: 4 Turakina Road South Dunedin Dunedin
Contact Info(s):
O: 034553211
F: 034555833
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
- Sat
- Sun
Products and Services
Vehicle TypeImports
TradesMechanics, Automotive Mechanics
Markets ServedResidential, Commercial
ConcernsDamage, Vehicle Damage
ServicesScheduled Maintenance, Repairs, Engine Repairs, Oil Changes, Preventative Maintenance, Insurance Work, Tune-ups
AssurancesWarrant of Fitness, Certified, WOF
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
Mailing address
PO Box 2574 South Dunedin 9054
About Grime Busters @ Magnum Compliance Dunedin
Does your unlicenced or deregisterd car need re-compliance Dunedin? Magnum Compliance Dunedin Ltd (formerly Westside Compliance & Service Centre) is the place to go for car compliance/re-compliance, automotive repairs, WOF and auto grooming.
Why use Magnum Compliance Dunedin Ltd?
- Vehicle Entry Certification - re-compliance, complying any import car coming into New Zealand
- Unlicenced vehicles/Deregistered vehicle? Re-compliance carried out.
- Mechanical Repairs - the experienced team diagnose and repair all vehicles to get you safely back on the road
- Towbar Installations - fitted to cars, vans and all vehicle types
- Supply and Fit New Seatbelts - keeping your car legal and you and your passengers safe
- Seatbelt repairs and Baby Seat Anchors
- W O F - Warrant of Fitness checks and certification on site
- Auto Grooming - drive away in a spic and span vehicle after a professional car grooming.
Call us or pop in and see us (behind the Mitre 10 Mega) for great service.
What makes us different
Our particular point of difference is that we are a one-stop shop. We do everything from all aspects of compliance for new imports, through registration and warrant requirements to full servicing and mechanical repairs. We also own Grime Busters vehicle grooming and car valet service which is located on the premises.
car-valet-servicesWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.