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Grey Lynn Osteopathy Professional

Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:46   Medical & Emergency   2 Selbourne Street Grey Lynn Auckland 1021   28 views Reference: 253491

0.0 star

Servicing: Grey Lynn, Eden Terrace, Ellerslie, Freemans Bay, Grafton, Kingsland, Newmarket, Ponsonby, Parnell, Herne Bay, Westmere, Saint Marys Bay

Click to get direction: 2 Selbourne Street Grey Lynn Auckland 1021

Contact Info(s):

O: 021875809

About Grey Lynn Osteopathy

Grey Lynn Osteopathy practitioners are highly skilled in gentle cranial osteopathy and structural alignments, providing treatments that will help to balance and restore your body to its optimal function. We have experience treating a variety of conditions, and have had great success in treating patients who suffer from low back pain, sciatica, headaches, TMJ, frozen shoulder, sports and work-related injuries, prenatal and postnatal conditions, and addressing a variety of infant health issues. Contact Grey Lynn Osteopathy to ask if we can address your specific condition.

Gracela Gregorio, Registered Osteopath and Principal at Grey Lynn Osteopathy, holds a Master of Osteopathy from the Unitec Institute of Technology in Auckland, a Diploma in Osteopathic Manual Practice from the Canadian College of Osteopathy, and a Diploma in Sports Massage with the London School of Sports Massage in England.

Clinically, Gracela has taken an interest in helping Weekend Warriors and patients who suffer from prenatal and postnatal conditions, calming unsettled babies and addressing a variety of infant health issues. As an endurance and competitive athlete, Gracela has had first-hand experience in dealing with injuries and rehabilitation, and would be pleased to provide treatment and share tips that may inspire you to return to, or continue with your favorite activities. She believes very strongly in treating people, not conditions, taking a whole body approach to rehabilitation and will work with you to ensure that you are moving at your optimal ability.

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