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Greenfield Motors Ltd Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 23:40   Auto Services   Greymouth   22 views Reference: 300995
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Location: Greymouth

Contact Info(s):

O: 037680379

About Greenfield Motors Ltd

West Coast Isuzu / Greenfield Motors is the dealer for the West Coast, supplying vehicles, parts and service. We have a large number of new cars and many demonstration cars available at all times.
Check our listings regularly, to see our range of new vehicles. Or come in and view our showroom, with brand new Isuzus on display, and take one for a test drive today.
Vehicle servicing, warrant of fitness and maintenance can be taken care of at our workshop on Tainui Street
West Coast Isuzu / Greenfield Motors offer a range of Servicing and Workshop Maintenance such as full services, oil and filter change, warrant of fitness, pre vehicle inspections, tyres & batteries all for competitive prices.
For any enquiries, please dont hesitate to call Julie Kissell or Sophie Stanton in our office.
Customer satisfaction is sealed with a handshake - your satisfaction is our satisfaction.

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