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Green N Clean Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 05:36   Home Services   8 Ancroft Street Papakura Auckland 2110   25 views Reference: 41844

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Servicing: Auckland City, Helensville Area, Manukau City, North Shore, Papakura Area, Pukekohe Area, Waiuku Area, West Auckland

Tagline: Also known as: Dhanaser Landscaping LTD

Click to get direction: 8 Ancroft Street Papakura Auckland 2110

Contact Info(s):

O: 0220377348

F: 0800150807

Opening hours


Year est.


GST Number


Payment options

Direct Debit

About Green N Clean

We are Green N Clean a family run business We have a proven track record of over 7 years of high quality workmanship and attention to detail.

Our services include:

lawn mowing, garden maintenance, weeding, garden cleanups, tree and shrub pruning, hedge/Tree trimming, weed spraying, Landscaping,

Rubbish removals

Water blasting, House washing, Gutter Cleaning, Roof treatments

Carpet cleaning

Call or E-mail us today for a FREE quote

What makes us different

Green N Clean offers low-pressure building & house washing services throughout Auckland. We utilise the latest technology handled by our expert & professional team providing roof cleaning, gutter cleaning, driveway and patio cleaning, moss & mold treatment and exterior house washing. Whether you have residential or commercial needs, we can help you out with our cleaning & washing services. Our aim is to provide the best water blasting, gardening, landscaping and cleaning services.
We work hard and make your garden look beautiful. We are a friendly team, who prioritize customer service well come up with a solution to all of your questions! For years, Green N Clean is a name in Auckland that you can trust with professional and fully trained operators!

Website: https://greennclean.co.nz/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/greenNcleanNZ

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAqoGSZRy7AK1UMcsqovbAw

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