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Sep 13th, 2022 at 22:57   Trades & Services   Servicing: New Plymouth Area, Inglewood Area, Stratford Area, Waitara Area, Opunake Area, Hawera Area   27 views Reference: 221657

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Contact Info(s):

O: 0275565316


Do you require a reliable and professional painter or paperhanger in New Plymouth?
At Graeme Lowe Painting and Decorating, we can help! Graeme has been painting and paperhanging since 1972 and can carry out all interior and exterior painting and decorating. This includes new builds and redecorations, or even windows and doors. Graeme can also do some light commercial work and his speciality is interior repaints and plastering. 100% customer satisfaction guaranteed on all work completed! Simply call Graeme today for a quote or to discuss all your painting or paperhanging needs.
With over 46 years experience in painting and paperhanging - Graeme Lowe Painting & Decorating is the company to call for all your painting needs.

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