Go Girl Timaru Professional
Sep 13th, 2022 at 17:03 Health & Beauty 20 The Terrace Timaru 7910 22 views Reference: 203856Location: 20 The Terrace Timaru 7910
Contact Info(s):
O: 036846007
About Go Girl Timaru
Go Girl Physique is a womens only gym located in the heart of the Timaru CBD that has supported women in South Canterbury for over a decade. We welcome you to come along and achieve what you have been looking for all along.
A perfect getaway for an invigorating lunchtime workout or a friendly paradise after-work, to sweep aside the daily grind and stress of your busy life.
We provide state of the art gym equipment and a clean and modern facility. At your disposal will be the TRX , kettlebells, a plethora of resistance equipment, free weights, boxing bags........etc
Featured classes include Step, Box fit, Cardio Circuit, Bums and Tums, Pump, Stretch, Step, Abs and Hydraulic Circuit.
Separate spin area and our heart pumping group classes complimented by able and motivated personal trainers help you, 1 on 1 to achieve your fitness goals.
Please check out our time-table to see when your favourite class is on.
Take the plunge, drop a dress size in our popular Warrior Goddess program. This program guarantees to be the complete and ultimate package!
Call today or pop in and check your options with one of our friendly team and call 03684 6007
health-fitness-centresWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.