GMC Chiropractors Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:31 Medical & Emergency 77 Eliot Street New Plymouth 4310 17 views Reference: 290616Location: 77 Eliot Street New Plymouth 4310
Contact Info(s):
O: 067588334
About GMC Chiropractors
GMC Chiropractors are Chiropractors providers. We help people in Taranaki. For more information, please call us today.
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Seller Information
About Seller
A long established Chiropractors in Wanganui and Hawera and now in New Plymouth with Dr Paula Brown, Bsc Chiro and her assistant Rita Parsottam.
New patients are welcome and you don't need to be referred. Our very relaxed and homely premises is on the corner of Pendarves and Eliot Streets.
Chiropractic is 21st century healthcare, focusing on overall health and wellness as well as primary back care.
GMC focuses on removing the interference and distortion in the nervous system through safe, gentle, effective adjustments to the spine allowing the body to function optimally.
Paula originally trained as a registered nurse and then went on to qualify as a Chiropractor. She has seen lives transformed physically and emotionally through drug-free care and all the family can be included. New born to 90 years plus. Athletes to Farmers, - Paula's passion is to help mothers and there children and families including pre-natal care.
Call to make your appointment for great health and total body care.