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Global Engineering Ltd Professional

Sep 12th, 2022 at 22:59   Auto Services   25 Wookey Lane Kumeu Auckland 0810   15 views Reference: 163750
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Click to get direction: 25 Wookey Lane Kumeu Auckland 0810

Contact Info(s):

O: 098366008

F: 098366019

Products and Services




Buildings, Railing, Stairs, Beams, Platforms, Grilles, Lintels, Columns



Markets Served

Commercial, Industrial, Commercial, Industrial


Mezzanines, Additions, Stairs


Beams, I-beams, Lintels


Alloys, Structural Steel, Stainless Steel, Aluminium, Mild Steel, Steel, Aluminium, Mild Steel, Stainless Steel, Steel


Renovations, Welding, Painting, Custom Work, Blasting, Engineering, Modifications, Fabrication, Maintenance, Machining, Installation, Restoration, Custom Designing, Building Maintenance, Design, Erecting, Customising, Repairs, Custom Work, Restoration, Fitting, Building Maintenance, CAD, Machining, Drawings, Turning, Modifications, Fabrication, Draughting, Maintenance, Construction, Design, Customising, Repairs, Renovations, Manufacturing, Metalworking, Custom Designing




Extensions, High End Residences, Houses, Offices, Flats, Warehouses, Factories

Year est.



Site Safe NZ
Site Safe NZ

Mailing address

25 Wookey Lane Kumeu 0810

About Global Engineering Ltd

Global Engineering Ltd, a name synonymous with "quality on time".

Almost everything we make is a one-off which means we strive to be exact in what we do, nothing goes out the door without being checked and double checked.

We are committed to providing you, our customer, with tailored solutions addressing your unique Structural Steel, Metalwork and General Engineering service requirements. As each job is dependent on the people who complete it ,we are committed to recruiting only top team members to enable us to provide the best possible service.

Serving the greater Auckland area, Global Engineering Ltd provides a comprehensive range of engineering services from detailing to site installation; As well as; specialist knowledge of structural steel and metalwork in the construction industry.

Call the team at Global Engineering Ltd today to discuss your requirements and to see how we can help you!

What makes us different

Global Engineering Ltd strive to provide the following:

i. A willingness to tackle unusual and difficult tasks with superior skill and expertise;
ii. A high standard of quality and attention to detail;
iii. A vigorously competitive approach to pricing and management of resources.

Website: http://www.globaleng.co.nz

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