Glenns Automotive Services Morrinsville Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 16:37 Auto Services 22 Mangateparu Loop Road Mangateparu 3375 22 views Reference: 252763Servicing: Morrinsville Area, Te Aroha Area, Cambridge Area, Hamilton, Ngatea Area
Click to get direction: 22 Mangateparu Loop Road Mangateparu 3375
Contact Info(s):
O: 078893046
About Glenns Automotive Services Morrinsville
Located in Mangateparu, Morrinsville. Waikato.
Servicing and repairs all makes and models cars, utes, vans etc. full diagnostic equipped workshop.
WOF inspections,
Stockists of Automotive and motorbike batteries
Service and repair Farm bikes and off road/ race bikes
Providing the best service at the best price. Come and see Glenn and the team for your motoring requirements.
automotive-repairsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.
Seller Information
Glenns Automotive Services Morrinsville
Total Listing
About Seller
Located in Mangateparu, Morrinsville. Waikato.
Servicing and repairs all makes and models cars, utes, vans etc. full diagnostic equipped workshop.
WOF inspections,
Stockists of Automotive and motorbike batteries
Service and repair Farm bikes and off road/ race bikes
Providing the best service at the best price. Come and see Glenn and the team for your motoring requirements.