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Gillespie Young Watson Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 17:28   Professional Services   Level 5, Forsyth Barr Tower Queensgate, 45 Knights Road Lower Hutt   25 views Reference: 273926

0.0 star

Click to get direction: Level 5, Forsyth Barr Tower Queensgate, 45 Knights Road Lower Hutt

Contact Info(s):

O: 045693997

Mailing address

PO Box 30940 Lower Hutt

About Gillespie Young Watson

We provide a bespoke legal service tailored to the requirements of private clients in our four specialist practice areas. Whether you are a home buyer or seller, a property investor, a developer, a business proprietor or a retired share investor you will have something in common with virtually all of our clients. You will be buying, selling or developing property personally or through an entity you control, you will have a direct personal interest in the business being bought, sold or restructured or you will be needing assistance with your personal or family affairs. You are unlikely to be a large corporate run by employees with an unlimited budget for legal services. You make the decisions. You are the one that has to meet the cost. Providing quality legal service through our specialist property, commercial and trust and estate divisions to private clients is the foundation Gillespie Young Watson has been built on. Get in touch now!



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