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German Kitchens Limited Professional

Sep 15th, 2022 at 18:23   Home Services   172 Taranaki Street Wellington Central Wellington   28 views Reference: 279426

0.0 star

Servicing: Wellington Region

Click to get direction: 172 Taranaki Street Wellington Central Wellington

Contact Info(s):

O: 048024806

Mailing address

PO Box 6140 Marion Square Wellington 6141

About German Kitchens Limited

German Kitchens Limited is Wellingtons oldest Imported Kitchen Company and have been designing, selling, importing and installing German manufactured Kitchens, Appliances, Wardrobes and Furniture since 1991.

Our Kitchens and Wardrobes are of the highest quality and workmanship, adding immediate value to the Capital of your property. Poggenpohl and Eggersmann have the reputation in the market place as the preferred German kitchen of choice by many discerning homeowners, developers and buyers of fine real estate. Every product we represent is German Engineered, Manufactured and Assembled to the Highest Quality possible giving you the consumer, peace of mind for your investment.


Contact us to make a time with our friendly and experienced team for an in-showroom free consultation and Design discussion.
Work with trusted Professionals who are Highly Qualified to offer an expert custom design service, with a long track record of success. We offer a range of exclusive services to reduce your risk of going-it-alone and take the guesswork out of the process.
Lets relax, have a coffee and discuss your kitchen desires. We like to listen, love a challenge and promise to deliver your dreams.

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