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Gentle Care Dentist Professional

Sep 10th, 2022 at 04:07   Medical & Emergency   70 Queens Road Panmure Auckland 1072   29 views Reference: 33123
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Click to get direction: 70 Queens Road Panmure Auckland 1072

Contact Info(s):

O: 095270030

Products and Services


Bleaching, Teeth Cleaning, Teeth Whitening, Check-ups, Emergency Care


Crowns, Bridges, Dentures


Cracks, Traumatic Injuries, Chipped Teeth, Bad Breath, Swollen Gums, Discoloured Teeth, TMJ, Missing Teeth, Toothaches, Sensitivity


Implants, Root Canals, Extractions, Fillings


Cosmetic Dentistry

Year est.


About Gentle Care Dentist

If you are looking for a gentle dentist to care for your teeth, call Gentle Care Dentist.

Based in Panmure, Auckland, we offer a professional yet gentle dentistry service. Whether you need a filling, a dental cleaning, or any other dentistry work done, we can assist. We are also very competitive.

Call us today, to make an appointment, and let us show you how we can gently care for your teeth.

What makes us different

We specialize in "gentle" dentistry deterring dental phobias. We understand the importance of communication, and we thoroughly explain your treatment requirements and to ensure you understand the various options. We provide an intra-oral camera, so you can see any problems associated with your teeth, on a big screen!

We are located in Panmure, Auckland contact us for any inquires.

Website: http://www.gentlecaredentist.co.nz

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