Gaskin Ford and Mazda Professional
Sep 14th, 2022 at 02:25 Auto Services 11 Port Road Seaview Lower Hutt 5010 32 views Reference: 234211Location: 11 Port Road Seaview Lower Hutt 5010
Servicing: Wellington Region
Click to get direction: 11 Port Road Seaview Lower Hutt 5010
Contact Info(s):
O: 045689351
F: 045689289
Opening hours
- Mon
- Tue
- Wed
- Thu
- Fri
Products and Services
VehiclesToyota, 4WD, Mazda, Ford, Vans, Cars
Vehicle Features4WD, Power Windows
ConcernsDamage, Accidents, Leaks
PartsHeadlights, Starter Motors, Gearboxes, Suspensions, Used Parts, Body Panels, Alternators, Transmissions, Doors, Lights, Bumpers, Radiators, Engines
ServicesRepairs, Reconditioning, Advice, Analysis, Dismantling
Price InformationSecond Hand
MakesToyota, Mazda, Ford
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Gaskin Ford and Mazda
Gaskin Ford and Mazda is your place to go to get great deals on Ford and Mazda auto parts in Lower Hutt.
We supply all Ford and Mazda car parts, even the elusive parts that you can't find anywhere else.
Our parts are reliable and inexpensive, to keep you safe and steady on the road. No matter what you need, and the size of your budget, we can help you score a great deal!
We stock a massive range of new, used and reconditioned parts for major makes and models, although our specialisation is in Ford and Mazda parts.
If you are having trouble tracking down the part you need at a price you can afford, ask Gaskin Ford and Mazda, we like a challenge and will search high and low to find the right part for you!
Stop by and see our friendly team today!
What makes us different
At Gaskin Ford and Mazda, we stock a massive range of used and rebuilt parts for major makes and models. Our team is well equipped with the tools and techniques to keep your car on the road, running the way it should.
Great deals and affordable parts await you at Gaskin.
automotiveWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.