Gary Pickering Funerals Ltd Professional
Sep 15th, 2022 at 20:43 Trades & Services Cnr Waltons Avenue And High Street Kuripuni Masterton 22 views Reference: 291864Click to get direction: Cnr Waltons Avenue And High Street Kuripuni Masterton
Contact Info(s):
O: 063777160
F: 063777162
Products and Services
TradesEmbalmers, Funeral Directors
FacilitiesFuneral Home, Viewing Room
ProductsCaskets, Urns
ServicesFuneral Planning, To Customer Requirements, Burial, Casketing, Advice
Service OptionsVisit Us Online, Pre-arranged Plans
AssurancesLocally Owned & Operated
Parking options
Free Off-StreetPayment options
About Gary Pickering Funerals Ltd
Gary Pickering Funerals is a leader in professional service, experience and qualified expertise. Our aim is to make a difficult time easier for you and your family.
We are family owned and operated, and offer a range of services including pre-paid and pre-planned funerals, embalming, viewing, and arrangement of burial or cremation. We can recommend a funeral celebrant or work with your choice of religious clergy member.
We are available 24 hours to offer you complete personal care, whenever you require our assistance.
After the day of the funeral we offer continuing care for those who require it, including support in the form of phone calls, letters or visits from our coordinator.
Visit us online to learn more about our services, then call to discuss all your requirements today.
What makes us different
During times of loss, it can often be difficult to know what to do. We provide a full service to help you and your loved ones.
funeral-directorsWhen you call, Don't forget to mention PortUGo whenever you will call to user. Be safe during payment.